
Features of 7.0 Inches, 1024xRGBx600, 16.7M Colors, Android LCM

P10600HY070C_T01 is an industrial level Android LCM based on Rockchip RK3128 ARM. It is equipped with Quad-core Coretex-A7, supporting  most decoding solutions  under  1080p@60fps,  H.265/H.264/MVC/VP8 solutions and many other great features of Rockchip RK3128. Meanwhile, with good jpeg picture processing performance and 3D GPU, it supports OpenGL ES2.0 and OpenVG1.1.

Rockchip  RK3128  has  high-performance  external  memory  interface  (DDR3/DDR3L/LPDDR2)  capable  of sustaining demanding memory bandwidths, also provides a complete set of peripheral interface to support very flexible applications.

Specifications of 7.0 Inches, 1024xRGBx600, 16.7M Colors, Android LCM

Core Board
CPU 1.3 GHz Quad-core A7 ARM
GPU Mali400MP2
Power Management AXP192 PMU
System Version
Android Android 5.1/7.1
Ubuntu Ubuntu 15.04 (Default system is Android. Need to refresh firmware to choose
Ubuntu. Apps need to be developed separately.)
Color 16.7M (16777216) colors, 24-bit color 8R8G8B.
Active Area (A.A.) 154.08 mm(W)×85.92 mm(H), 1024×600.
View Area (V.A.) 155.96 mm(W)×88.87mm(H), 1024×600.
Resolution 1024×600
Backlight LED
Brightness 350/500/1000
Optical Specifications
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
    Viewing Angle (CR≧10) θL Φ=180°  (9 o’clock) 70 80       Degree
θR Φ=0°  (3 o’clock) 70 80
θT Φ=90°  (12 o’clock) 50 60
θB Φ=270°  (6 o’clock) 60 70
Voltage & Current
Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Power Voltage 6 12 16 V
Operation Current 400 mA
Power Supply  12V 2A DC (Recommended).
Reliability Test
Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Working Temperature 60%RH at 12V voltage -20 25 70
Storage Temperature -30 25 85
Working Humidity 25℃ 10% 60% 90% RH
Protection Paint None
Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
  Baud Rate Standard 1200 9600 115200 bps
User Defin 1200 115200 bps
Serial Mode Serial Port*3 (2*RS232/TTL, 1*RS485/RS232/TTL)
User Interface Standard serial communication protocol. 8Pin_2.0mm socket.
Ethernet Support 10m/100m Ethernet.
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Support 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi wireless network; Bluetooth is optional.
4G LTE Module 4G LTE Module/GPS. (Optional)
Microphone Audio input interface.
Loudspeaker 2-channel, 4Ω/3W loudspeaker.
IIC Optional
TF card Yes
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