
P48480HY040X_B01 is an industrial level Android LCM based on Rockchip RK PX30 ARM. It is equipped with Quad-core Coretex-A35, supporting most decoding solutions under 1080p@60fps, H.265/H.264/MVC/VP8 solutions and many other great features of Rockchip RK PX30. Meanwhile, with good jpeg picture processing performance and 3D GPU, it supports OpenGL ES2.0 and OpenVG1.1.

Rockchip RK PX30 has high-performance external memory interface (DDR3/DDR3L/LPDDR2) capable of sustaining demanding memory bandwidths, also provides a complete set of peripheral interface to support very flexible applications.

Specifications of 4.0 Inch 480*480 Android LCM Module

  Core Board
CPU 1.5 GHz Quad-core A35 ARM
GPU Mali-G31
Power Management RK809
System Version
Android Android 8.1
Ubuntu Ubuntu16.04 or linux+QT5.12 (Default system is Android. Need to refresh firmware to choose Ubuntu. Apps need to be developed separately.)
Color 16.7M (16777216) colors, 24-bit color 8R8G8B.
Active Area (A.A.) 70.18 mm(W)×71.86 mm(H), 480×480.
View Area (V.A.) 70.78 mm(W)×72.46mm(H), 480×480.
Resolution 480×480
Backlight LED
Brightness 350
  Optical Specifications
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Viewing Angle (CR≧10) θL Φ=180° (9 o’clock) 70 80 Degree
θR Φ=0° (3 o’clock) 70 80
θT Φ=90° (12 o’clock) 50 60
θB Φ=270° (6 o’clock) 60 70
  Voltage & Current
Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Power Voltage 6.5 12 18 V
Operation Current 400 mA
Power Supply 12V 2A DC (Recommended).
  Reliability Test
Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Working Temperature 60%RH at 12V voltage -20 25 70
Storage Temperature -30 25 85
Working Humidity 25℃ 10% 60% 90% RH
Protection Paint None
Item Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Baud Rate Standard 1200 9600 115200 bps
User Defined 1200 115200 bps
Serial Mode RS485*1
USB USB Debug*1
Ethernet Optional
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Support 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi wireless network; Bluetooth 4.0
4G LTE Module Optional
Microphone Optional
Loudspeaker Optional
TF card
IO interface
Output Power Three connectors output 3.3V /5V /12V, one of three

Interface Description of 4.0 Inch 480*480 Android LCM Module


Num. Interface Name Description
J0 USB_DEBUG OTG /App debugging/ Firmware upgrade interface
J1 User interface Pin definition: DEBUG_RX,DEBUG_TX,GND,RS485B,RS485A,DC12V_IN
J2 Buzzer Buzzer
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